Both hands on your front fender! A pause as anticipation rushes down the start line. Then…the flags wave furiously and they’re off – racing for the holeshot line!
This is a familiar scenario to those who have ever attended a NSORRA hare scramble. It’s up to the race director how each class is going to start their race so be prepared, and hopefully you’ve chose the right spot on the start line! It’s always fun for those watching and cheering for their favourite riders.
New Season, New Ideas
This scramble season, sponsored by Soles In Motion, we will be offering one Women’s class. Their race will take place at the same time as Intermediate B and run for 90 minutes on the morning course. For those women who prefer a more advanced level of riding, we are offering one Top Female Rider award to be presented at the afternoon awards.
The NSORRA Race Committee spent the offseason drumming up support for the vintage class. We hope to have a full class of vintage bikes at our events. More information can be found in our blogs.
Returning to five hare scrambles this season means we can offer the opportunity of scoring 4 out of 5 events for the championship. If competitors miss a scramble, they can still be in the running! If you make all five events, we will pull scores from your top 4.

We also have new trophies this season designed by NSORRA member Justin Lewis. He took rider feedback from last season and designed this year’s trophies so that they can either be flat for hanging or have a stand for shelves.
Truro Motorsports has returned as our Holeshot Sponsor again this year. There is only one way to get one of the coveted red Holeshot shirts – you have to WIN it! Looking forward to seeing who takes home these shirts this season.
Back together again: Cabot Powersports-NSORRA Hare Scramble 1 at Craigmore - May 28
Our NSORRA hare scramble family will be back together again as the season kicks off in Craigmore, Cape Breton on Saturday, May 25. We are happy to have this event sponsored by Cabot Powersports, who will be joining us at the event.
Always a challenging course, Race Director Dave Tobin and his team worked magic in the woods to ensure that riders have to keep on their pegs to ensure success in their race.
Post race, Craigmore becomes a giant campground for riders to hang out with friends and enjoy some great food while watching the sunset over the ocean. Don’t be surprised to hear a few musical instruments and singing as everyone kicks back and relaxes.

Weekend at Mill Hill sponsored by Easson’s Powersports June 22-23

After a few years’ hiatus, we are back at Mill Hill for Hare Scramble 2 followed by our annual Drive to Ride, both sponsored by Easson’s Powersports (formerly Park Street RV) the Annapolis Valley’s Kawasaki dealer.
Landowner Blaine Prest has opened the park to camping for the weekend at $20 per vehicle so racers have an opportunity to relax after the scramble and set up for fun at the Sunday event on the Mill Hill trails and MX track.

CrossRoads Cycle-NSORRA Hare Scramble 3 at Beaver Ride Park – July 27
CrossRoads Cycle is sponsoring Scramble 3 which will take place at NSORRA’s newest ride park which is open to guided rides only due to its challenging trails. Located in Economy, landowner and NSORRA member David Beaver continues to develop trails throughout hiis property.
Shore Cycle & Marine-NSORRA Hare Scramble 4 – South Alton
August brings Hare Scramble 4 to South Alton, a ride park featuring varied terrain that provides challenges to all levels of riders. One of the highlights of this scramble will be having Shore Cycle and Marine as the event sponsor. Cathy and Fred always host a fabulous barbecue and make it a fun event.

AllSteel Coatings-NSORRA Hare Scramble 5 at Craigmore – September 28
Fall in Cape Breton is beautiful and closing the hare scramble season in September at Craigmore provides the perfect bookend. New GOLD sponsor, AllSteel Coatings Ltd owned by NSORRA member Dan Cooper, brings us full circle back to our grassroots community support.
Race t-shirts
This year’s t-shirt design is was chosen by our Timing & Scoring Queen, Megan Cairns who also recommended the colour…and the Race Committee agreed! The teal shirts, sporting all of our sponsors on the back, can be purchased during race registration. It will also be available at the upcoming Drive to Ride.
Thank you!
Thanks are going out to our volunteers. Trails are built and maintained across the province by dedicated trail builders and NSORRA members do their fair share of work. Though we don’t always hear about it, know that if you are riding a trail, someone was there before you making it happen!

2024 NSORRA Sponsors – Thank you!
We have to thank the sponsors who come on board to support NSORRA. As a non-profit, we would not be able to hold events for our members without these sponsors. We ask you to take a look at this list and make a point of visiting and using your purchasing dollars at these places that make a point of supporting NSORRA.
TITLE Sponsor: Soles In Motion
PLATINUM Sponsor: CrossRoads Cycle, Eassons Powersports, Kynock Resources
GOLD Sponsors: Shore Cycle and Marine, Cabot Powersports, The Shack Powersports, Pro Cycle, Truro Motorsports, Canadian Kawasaki Motors, Honda Canada, AllSteel Coatings Ltd, Rallye Motoplex
SILVER Sponsors: Jungle Jim’s – Bayer’s Lake, Triple S Cycle Works, GW Sampson, APD Motorsports
BRONZE Sponsors: RPM Cycle, Steele Recreation, Backman Heating and Cooling
PARTNERS: Province of Nova Scotia, Moto Canada, MCC - Motorcyclists Confederation of Canada