Intermediate Enduro Rec Ride at Folly Mountain
We switched things up a bit this year for our final recreational ride of the season at Folly Lake. We stayed in one group of 22 riders instead of dividing up into two groups based on speed.
Leapfrogging Through the Trails
We used the leapfrog approach where the second-place rider would get dropped at every intersection to show which way to go then tucked in front of the sweep rider. This system worked perfectly until Matthew Purdy had to go to the back. He used this opportunity to brush up on his passing skills. Everyone else got a taste of roost and Matthew took a nice soil sample. 😉

BBQ sponsored by RPM Cycle
Scott Josey led us through a mixture of single and double track to a tasty BBQ at his camp sponsored by RPM Cycle, always a strong NSORRA supporter.
Cody MacKenna skillfully determined that his e-bike had just enough battery left to make it back to the trucks so seven of us took a leisurely ride back. He made it over 50km with 3% charge remaining!
When the main group finished their ride, Matthew still didn't have enough, so we hit the hard enduro loop. A couple barrel rolls down the bonus hill climb won Matthew a set of soft loop tie down straps donated by Mountain Lab Gear.

Thanks to the volunteers who prepped the trails and Dave Tobin and Rod Conrad for sweep riding!
Thanks to Rallye Motoplex and Backman Heating and Cooling for sponsoring the NSORRA Rec Ride series this year!
Neil Jennings is the NSORRA Recreational Ride Coordinator. If you have a trail area that you would like to invite NSORRA members to ride - from beginner to advanced - please reach out to him at Â