Nova Scotia’s Dirt Bike School
It’s that time of year again. The snow is gone and the woods and fields have started their transition to a drier riding season. With the warmer temperatures, we all want to get out and ride.
For some, this will be their first experience riding a dirt bike. No matter if you are brand new or a returning rider, NSORRA has a course that’s just right for you to hit the trails ready with your skills freshened up and a training validation certificate in hand.
Training required under NS OHV Act
Since 2008, the province of Nova Scotia has mandated that riders:
- acquire certified basic dirt bike safety training
- register their bikes, and
- carry a minimum of third party liability insurance.
(See the NS OHV Riders Handbook)
NSORRA is Nova Scotia’s exclusive provider of dirt bike basic safety training. We have grown the school’s size and reach throughout the last decade. We are mobile and try our best to accommodate training demands across the province.
We continue to offer courses across the province including HRM, Cape Breton, Annapolis Valley, Yarmouth County, the South Shore and Northern Nova Scotia as demand requires.
Please contact us at to let us know where you would like to see a training course offered. Our goal is to fill courses with an 8:1 student/coach ratio, so if you can assist in bringing a group together, that will help with bringing a course to your area sooner.

So what’s involved?
Dirt Bike Basic Safety Training is a one-day commitment. Our courses generally start first thing in the morning and run 5 to 6 hours. This is not a set schedule. A course of more experienced riders can take a little less time. We attempt to group families or similarly aged and experienced riders on courses together wherever we can. Gearing up and getting to know your bike with some introductory talking points on rider safety takes about 90 minutes, after which students can expect to be on their bikes.

The course is a proven and progressive building of knowledge and comfortability that is practiced repeatedly, leading to a great foundation for trail-readiness and safe handling of your dirt bike. Your skills will continue to grow and develop long after you’ve completed your training with us. Training is not just a fun experience with like-minded students; riders also get their required safety compliance certification and learn excellent foundational techniques.
What do you need to get started?
Bring a good attitude and readiness to learn in a small group setting. Our coaches are excellent at drawing out new confidence, making you feel good about yourself. There’s a great feeling to be had at the end of this day when you can look at your own progress from start to finish!
NSORRA’s 2021 loaner fleet is equipped for riders willing to learn the basics of clutch control, so it’s best suited for ages 10 and up. We do, however, welcome all riders from 6 years of age (a semi-automatic bike for youth 6-10 years may be available by special request, or you can bring your own).
All riders must wear:
- a full face helmet
- lightweight fitted gloves
- over the ankle, leather boots with a firm sole and good ankle support (moto boots preferred)
- eye protection
- long sleeves
- full leg covering
It's strongly recommended you also wear:
- knee/shin protection
- elbow pads
- chest and back protection
- a comfortable jersey
- moto/offroad durable pants
What else?
- If you have your own bike and it’s in good working order, bring it.
- Same for safety gear; bring what you have.
- If you do not have your own equipment, that’s okay, too. We’ve got you covered for the day at no extra cost.
- Please bring your own lunch, snacks and plenty of water. There is no store on site.

How much does it cost for the day?
NSORRA’s Dirt Bike School is a fully accredited, certified and insured event. The cost is $200 per person and includes a certified and experienced rider coach in a small class size for the best experience. Successful participants receive their Certificate of Completion as proof of NS OHV Act Basic Safety Training compliance. As stated above, we also offer use of a bike and equipment on an as-needed basis.
Training courses will be listed on our events page and through Facebook beginning in late April/early May depending on ground conditions (training area should be dry).
NOTE: A reminder that you must be a NSORRA member to take the course ( then click on Become A Member). This will give you a year membership card and bike sticker for 2021 that will allow you access to the trails we manage.
We hope to see you soon!
Josh Kelly is NSORRA’s President and the dirt bike school’s head coach. Josh is an avid outdoorsman and enjoys every minute on the trails with family and friends, whether it’s off-road motorcycling, hiking, or mountain biking.