Thanks to our 2024 NSORRA Sponsors!
Five hare scrambles, five rec rides, three days with Megs Braap, the Moto Show, the Drive to Ride and a fantastic Women In Moto event with 42 participants! How were we able to do all these events during the 2024 season? Thank our sponsors!

Title Sponsor – Soles In Motion
Soles In Motion returned in a big way as our TITLE sponsor this season. Jen and Chris Estabrooks set up at the first Craigmore scramble and at Mill Hill for the race and the Drive to Ride. During the events, several riders visited the Soles In Motion tent to be sized for braces –one stop shopping! The Estabrooks have been supporters of NSORRA for many years and we appreciate you! Thank you!

Platinum Sponsors – CrossRoads Cycle, Eassons Powersports and Kynock Resources
In 2024, we had one new and two returning PLATINUM sponsors. Easson’s Powersports in Coldbrook joined us as a PLATINUM Sponsor this season. Thanks to Jeff Easson at Easson Powersports who sponsored the Weekend at Mill Hill including a scramble held at the Park after several years hiatus.
Our first returning PLATINUM Sponsor is CrossRoads Cycle. A big shout out to Chuck Graham who represented CrossRoads at events all over the province and to Lee Weir, owner of CrossRoads. We appreciate you choosing to send your sponsorship dollars our way. Thank you!
We also want to give a special shout out to PLATINUM Sponsor – Kynock Resources. Owner Brent Pottle offered land on his business’s property for us to run the NSORRA dirt bike school. It is an amazing central location where he allows us to provide great dirt bike training opportunities for our members.

GOLD Sponsors
We started the season with Cabot Powersports as our Craigmore Hare Scramble Sponsor. As the biggest motorcycle dealer in Cape Breton, it was great to see them take on this event which attracted a great crowd of Capers.
Shore Cycle and Marine was this year’s GOLD sponsor for the South Alton Ride Park Scramble. Cathy, Fred and Kandra brought a couple hundred hot dogs, drinks and snacks, raising over $700 for NSORRA’s own Kathleen Tobin for her trip to the ISDE 6 days of Spain. Kathleen and the Canadian Women’s Club Team took home the bronze medal! Kathleen sends her thanks to Shore Cycle and all of the NSORRA members who helped finance her trip to make this happen!
Welcome to our newest hare scramble GOLD sponsor, Dan Cooper and AllSteel Coatings Limited who sponsored #5 at Craigmore. Besides sponsoring, Dan and the Cooper family have taken a leading role in maintaining Craigmore Ride Park. Dan and Vanessa are always willing to volunteer a helping hand at our events. Thank you!
When it comes to the scrambles, everyone is familiar with GOLD sponsor Truro Motorsports. Randy McLeod donated the prized red Holeshot t-shirts this year that were awarded to winners.
Pro Cycle sponsored our Women In Moto event this season. Kira McWilliams and her team brought a tent, a van and great prizes to give away to our record breaking 42 participants. And, Kira, who is our volunteer photographer here today, also took beautiful photos of the event participants, contributing to the fun of the day.
The Shack at Liberty CC came on as a GOLD sponsor this year. They sponsored the Megs Braap clinics, which allowed us to cover our expenses for the event such as land rental and portapotties – you know, the fun stuff.
Honda Canada stepped in to sponsor both Race and Women In Moto this season. Several of the bikes in our dirt bike school are Hondas thanks to their past sponsorship of the school.
We also had two other GOLD sponsors this season – Rallye Motoplex sponsored an excellent rec ride series of five events that attracted beginner, intermediate, dualsport and enduro riders from Yarmouth to Sydney.
Finally in the GOLD Sponsor category, we are recognizing Canadian Kawasaki Motors who has returned as a strong supporter of our events. Thank you!

Silver Sponsors
Stuart Buck of Triple S Cycle Works is our superstar SILVER sponsor. If there is anything he can do to support NSORRA and dirt bike riders, he is there! From clearing trails to attending events and even acting as a sweep rider, we could always count on Stuart and his team to lend a hand. Reflecting his commitment to the sport, Stuart came onto the Board as Trails co-Director in 2024.
Jungle Jim’s Eatery – Bayer’s Lake owner Bruce Skinner returned as a SILVER sponsor this season. Besides participating in our hare scrambles, Bruce also donated several hundred dollars in gift certificates for his restaurant. On behalf of those prize winners, thank you, Bruce!
We have two new SILVER Sponsors this season. APD Motorsports has returned to the fold now that they are carrying Triumph bikes. Women In Moto MX coach Brooke Johnson is their sponsored rider. It’s great to see Adrian and Lisa Bolton join us again.
GW Sampson in Kingston has joined us as a SILVER Sponsor this season. They carry Honda motorcycles and products. It is wonderful to have sponsors from across the province become more involved and supportive of NSORRA.

BRONZE Sponsors
RPM Cycle, a continued sponsor since NSORRA’s inception, sponsored a rec ride lunch this summer, much to the delight of event participants.
Steele Recreation, located near Bridgewater, opened their new location in 2024 and hopes to offer a site for NSORRA dirt bike training in the future.
Ryan Backman of Backman Heating and Cooling sponsored our recreational rides this season. It’s great to have the grassroots support from our members.
NSORRA Supporters
We also have several other Scramble sponsors who we’d like to thank. Mountain Sports Distribution provided us with prizes from Fly Racing, 509 Off Road and Mountain Lab Gear. Callus Moto has worked with us on our swag, Zoom Cleaning Products provides cleaning wash for our dirt bike school, and Kwik Kopy Halifax assists us with our printing needs. It is so wonderful to have manufacturers, dealer and grassroot supporters for the association.
We would not have been able to put on this series without all the financial support from these sponsors. We ask all of our members to support these organizations that support us.
Funding Partners

And we can’t forget our funding partners including the Nova Scotia government through the OHVIF – the Off Highway Vehicle Infrastructure Fund and CCTH – Communities, Culture, Tourism and Heritage.
A shout out to Moto Canada that gave us a grant to hire Susan Foote as our Trails Coordinator this season. She is working hard to open up ride areas and parks across the province!
Many thanks to our sponsors for your support in 2024. Please reach out to Claudine, NSORRA Executive Director at, if you are interested in sponsoring next season. New sponsorship areas are in development.
Note to NSORRA Members
To encourage our members to participate in NSORRA events, we try to keep our event costs low. Our events would not be possible without financial support from our sponsors. We ask that you consider these sponsors first when you are looking to purchase.
See you in 2025!