Become a 2024 Member or Renew

Disclaimer & Code of Conduct

The Nova Scotia Off Road Riders [NSORRA] is not responsible for any mishap, damage, theft, injury, accident, death, etc. of any rider and/or motorcycle while on any official or unofficial ride with the Nova Scotia Off Road Riders, its members, officials, contractors or in company thereof. The Nova Scotia Off Road Riders is not responsible for any form of compensation be it insurance, damage, or medical bills, or any loss of any kind by or due to its members or officials. In addition, all other disclaimers and meanings shall be present and understood in this disclaimer. By accepting this disclaimer you also agree to exclude the Nova Scotia Off Road Riders and its members and officials from any form of litigation, law suit, liability or legal action of any kind while on either an official or unofficial ride or event organized by the Nova Scotia Off Road Riders. By submitting this application, you certify that you are in agreement with the NSORRA Requirements, Disclaimer and Code of Conduct located at

For New 2024 Members

Becoming a member of NSORRA is your first step to meeting new people and exploring a community rife with opportunities. We're dirt bike riders at heart. As you sign up, please be sure to read our code of conduct. If you have any questions, email us directly.

We ride trail bikes for the sheer joy of travelling through the woods and the sense of freedom this offers. But if you want to ride off your own property, a membership with the Nova Scotia Off Road Riders Association (NSORRA) is the way to go. 
In addition to supporting NSORRA advocacy and sustainability, membership fees support NSORRA’s efforts to ensure access to multi-use trails, develop new trails, and ensures that NSORRA is represented when decisions are made on Nova Scotia trails. 
Other membership benefits include: an NSORRA membership sticker which ensures trail access; the option to register for NSORRA’s MSF Dirt Bike School which is required  by Nova Scotia’s OHV Act; merchandise discounts from suppliers, and more!

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NSORRA Membership Information
Please enter N/A if you have not got a bike yet.
Enter the size of your bike in CCs, or leave 0