International Female Ride Day 2022
2-stroke, 4-stroke, dirt or street, trail or electric…
Women around the world saddled up their metal steeds on Saturday, May 7 for International Female Ride Day, including NSORRA members!

Several group rides took place around Nova Scotia, but WE think the group that had the most fun was the one hosted by Susan and Patrick Foote on their property near Kentville in the beautiful Annapolis Valley.
With Marijke Nel and Kathleen Tobin on hand to provide basic instruction, the group engaged in some static balance and clutch control practice before hitting the miles of trails.

Following a Talented Leader
One group was led by poster girl Kathleen Tobin, who combines skill, speed and poise with a good measure of Cape Breton kindness and patience while instructing fellow riders. Her pink riding pants and ponytail belie the crazy courage with which she attacks ridiculously hard obstacles and makes them look easy.
We all drooled over Emily’s brand new Husky 150 which Emily which didn‘t even have an hour on the clock before Saturday.

Thrills and Spills

There were several thrills and spills and a good time was had by all. Patrick Foote was called out several times as the day’s riding included non-starting bike, one that kept cutting out, several “rescue” missions and even towing a bike out of the woods with his ATV.

Come Join Us!
NSORRA’s East Coast Women Offroad (ECWO) was pleased to be able to kick off a season with riders of as many different skill levels and temperaments as the differences in their bikes.
We would love to welcome more lady riders at future ECWO events and plan to run several more women‘s group rides this season. If you have a potential riding venue in mind, please let us know!
In the meantime, watch the NSORRA Facebook page and the website for the Women In Moto event which at Mill Hill Ride Park in the Annapolis Valley on June 25th!

Marijke Nel is NSORRA’s Director of Women Offroad. She is an avid dirt biker who is willing to learn and take on any challenge including Ontario’s Corduroy Hard Enduro, where she plans to compete in September.