Ledwidge Bridge an OHV collaboration
Thanks to a dedicated group of volunteers, a bridge is now protecting Tannery Brook and allowing off highway vehicles (OHVs) to legally cross this HRM waterway.
A collaboration between the Nova Scotia Off Road Riders Association, the Beaverbank ATV Club and local residents has resulted in the new OHV bridge crossing.
In recognition of the donation of decking boards and other materials by Kyle Ledwidge and Ledwidge Lumber, the group named the new structure Ledwidge Bridge after their benefactors.
These volunteers will continue their efforts to make this section of the Old Truro Road stagecoach route passible to all in Spring 2022. This includes water drainage improvements and the construction of a second bridge near Grant Road in Enfield.
Text on the Ledwidge Bridge sign
This crossing of Tannery Brook and the trail in either direction is part of the Old Truro Road. This road was the main route used by stagecoaches to connect Halifax to Truro and beyond. The road was constructed in the late 1700s and has considerable historical significance. The road is a public class K road owned by the Nova Scotia Department of Public Works and is therefore open to all users including those on motorized vehicles.
Grant MacLeod is NSORRA’s Trails Director. The Trails Committee is developing linear trail across the province. If you would like to participate in this venture, contact Grant at