Why become a NSORRA Member?
We are stronger together. Every voice matters. Get involved and feed the dirt bike community with your passion!
Welcome to 2024. NSORRA volunteers are already planning an event schedule for the coming season. But as we take a look inwards, it’s important to reflect on what makes being a member of NSORRA important.
Participate and Build Community!
We encourage all of our members to participate in one, some, or all NSORRA events, ranging from training, to rec rides, to racing, to special events like our Drive to Ride and Women In Moto.
But if you choose not to do any, that’s okay, too.
NSORRA is More than Events
Buying an affordable membership to NSORRA is not simply so that you can attend events. Your membership fee plays a valuable part in financially supporting the protection of rideable space, the development of legal access, and the maintenance of that access that oftentimes we share with our OHV partners at ATVANS and SANS.
Membership is the mechanism that allows the OHV community to access money on members’ behalf to share in the development and maintenance of trail networks, build ride parks, become a national leader in offroad training and to keep our fees affordable by maintaining our not for profit and community principles.

Focus is Off Road Motorcycles (ORM)
As a registered provincial recreational organization, our principal focus is supporting off road motorcycles, be it in the categories of trail riding, hard enduro, trials, or even some dualsport activities.
NSORRA plays a pivotal role in building the network of support for the dirt bike community. Much of this support is from Nova Scotia businesses, both directly and indirectly involved in offroad motorcycles.
Contribute to the Greater Cause
If you are sitting on the fence as to whether or not it’s important to purchase a membership, just remember that your membership is a contribution to a greater cause. Don’t look at it as a prerequisite to participate.
Every membership helps make a difference and every member who volunteers makes even more of a difference. The Nova Scotia dirt bike community is filled with talented riders with passionate ideas. If we come together, we can keep growing this sport and making this community better and better every year.
See you on the trails!
Josh Kelly is President of the Nova Scotia Off Road Riders Association. He is passionate about all things two-wheeled including motorized, electric and mountain bikes. He is a coach, trainer, racer, trials, enduro, adventure bike rider and dirt bike dad.
Published: January 2024